Where'd You Go, Bernadette?

By Maria Semple

Oh how I love Bernadette! I actually grew a bit concerned at some points because she is quite unhinged, quite, and yet I often felt like I was reading about myself! She has many spectacular flaws (it is my goal to make my flaws spectacular!) but is nonetheless very funny and entertaining. She has zero tolerance for the idiocy of people and refuses to participate in the absurdity that has become modern parenting in an affluent community (hers: Seattle, mine: Los Gatos). In so many ways she is my hero. It is an entertaining, excellent vacation read. Take it to the snow for reading by the fire after skiing but only if you are comfortable laughing out loud.

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I write short, pithy, book recommendations for family and friends. My best life is comprised of my husband, my boys, my books, a quiet place, a comfortable chair, a cocktail on my side table, and a Vizsla in my lap.


The Atlas of Love


The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D.