The Rosie Project

By Graeme Simsion

My favorite book of the year!! If you choose one book from the list, make it this one. Don, OCD and massively socially challenged, decides he’d like to find a wife so begins “The Wife Project”, a methodical, logical (in Don’s mind) process of finding a suitable spouse (not too unlike online dating sites!). Needless to say, his methods repel almost everyone who encounters them. In the process and with the help of his one friend (more of a work associate), he meets Rosie who, despite all of Don’s unwitting sabotage of nearly every human connection in his life, takes a liking to him. Rosie has her own project in mind and Don is just the person to help her with it. So begins their relationship and it is absolutely delightful to accompany them as it develops. I adore Don and hope you all enjoy his company as much as I did.

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I write short, pithy, book recommendations for family and friends. My best life is comprised of my husband, my boys, my books, a quiet place, a comfortable chair, a cocktail on my side table, and a Vizsla in my lap.


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