Started Early, Took My Dog

By Kate Atkinson

Tracy Waterhouse is an accomplished detective.  Due to various events and circumstances in her life as well as her chosen career path, she has never had a family or really even a successful relationship.  Everyone around her assumes this is exactly how she wants it…"big Tracy, one of the guys."  She realized years ago that despite even her best efforts no one would ever see her outside the singular lens through which they have formed their opinion of her.  One day though, through bizarre circumstances, young Courtney enters her life and everything changes.  Tracy sees an opportunity to steer her life in a new and completely different direction with some well-intentioned albeit very questionable judgment.


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I write short, pithy, book recommendations for family and friends. My best life is comprised of my husband, my boys, my books, a quiet place, a comfortable chair, a cocktail on my side table, and a Vizsla in my lap.


The Marriage Plot


The Language of Flowers