The Mothers

By Brit Bennett

Nadia, kinda dating the local pastor’s son, lands in an all-too-predictable situation with an unplanned pregnancy. Decisions are made amidst the poor communication of teens, secrets are kept and everybody ends up scarred in the end. It is a thoughtful examination of the “choice” touted as a simple solution to a really difficult situation but one that more-often-than-not has profound, devastating effects on all involved parties. Bennett writes in a very readable, well-paced style. I read The Vanishing Half and liked it (definitely worth reading), but mainly I just really liked how she writes, so I explored what else she has written and found this one which I liked better.


I write short, pithy, book recommendations for family and friends. My best life is comprised of my husband, my boys, my books, a quiet place, a comfortable chair, a cocktail on my side table, and a Vizsla in my lap.


When We Believed in Mermaids


Infinite Worth