Infinite Worth

By Tim Reardon

This is written by my oldest friend… all the way back to first grade at St. Cecilia’s in San Francisco. Like The Mothers, we are watching a family cope with an unplanned pregnancy and like The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell, we see the benefits of faith. While it is obvious from the outset what has happened, the point of the story is to show how a strong faith, even if it seems preposterous, can provide guidance in life’s hard times. This is the review I wrote online….my first online review ever:

“A great exploration of what infinite good can come from giving our children faith in something bigger than ourselves. Reardon pulls from his background as a Catholic student, teacher, coach, father and weaves that faith into a story of an all-too-common contemporary dilemma that unfortunately many face, but too many handle poorly. You don’t need to be Catholic to appreciate the difficult situation of Grace and her family and how they walk through it together. Perhaps, those of no faith might even find some inspiration in the story. Give it a try. Nobody could come away from this story and say Grace handled things badly. Even if it makes no sense or sounds absurd, if a belief in some sort of divine spirit can help us successfully navigate the challenges of life then it is infinitely worth holding on to.”


I write short, pithy, book recommendations for family and friends. My best life is comprised of my husband, my boys, my books, a quiet place, a comfortable chair, a cocktail on my side table, and a Vizsla in my lap.


The Mothers


We Run the Tides